This post has been sitting for a while, but thought I would go ahead and finish it up since I’m about to change cars again.
In Feb of 2018 I sold my 2007 Toyota Prius. I traded it in when I bought my 2017 Chevy Volt, which, I regret in hindsight (I accepted too little for it). I do miss the car. It was a good car. The Volt is a great car, but the Prius was just a wonderful car. Lots of space for stuff like camping, good mileage, etc. I sold it with ~146k miles on it. Lifetime mileage was 45.8mpg, which isn’t great, but was pretty good. I filled it up a total of 397 times, for a total of 3208 gallons at a total cost of $9,841. Average cost per gallon from December 2006 to Feb 2018 was $3.09/gal. Average cost per fill-up was $24.92, and average cost per mile was $0.068.
During that time I spent very little on maintenance, just tires and oil/filter changes. It did seem to go through tires relatively quickly. I only ever had Bridgestone tires on it. Mostly Ecopia 422’s, which were great tires.
I largely sold the car because the 150k mile marker was coming, and I was worried about potential high cost maintenance.
In hind sight, I do wish I had kept the car. Though I don’t need a second car…